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One of the disadvantages of ballpoint pens
- Jun 10, 2020 -

The ballpoint pen has a big disadvantage: the handwriting it writes is very clear at first; but it can't stand the test of time. Over time, the handwriting will slowly become blurred. This is because the ink of the ballpoint pen is made with dyes and castor oil. Oil is not the same as water. It is not easy to dry. As time goes by, the oil will slowly soak away on the paper and the writing will become blurred. Therefore, the ballpoint pen can only be used as an ordinary writing pen. If you want to keep your handwriting for a long time, you need to use a pen.

When the ballpoint pen falls to the ground, if the tip of the pen touches the ground 90 degrees, the tip of the ballpoint pen will not be damaged, but if the closing part is bumped, it will cause "oil emission" at the gap. In severe cases, the ball will fall off and writing will be difficult. And other phenomena.

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