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Ballpoint pen removal method
- Aug 16, 2020 -

1. Immerse the stain in warm water (40°C), rub it with benzene or a cotton ball dipped in benzene, then wash it with detergent and rinse with clean water (warm water).

2. Soak the stained area with cold water, wipe it lightly with carbon tetrachloride or acetone, wash with detergent and rinse with warm water.

3. When the stain is deep, wipe it with gasoline first, then rub it with 95% alcohol. If there are still traces, it needs to be cleaned with bleaching powder. Finally, use toothpaste and soap to rub gently, and then rinse with water. But it is strictly prohibited to use boiled blisters.

4. If it is stained on paper, it is most suitable to use correction fluid or correction tape.

607-1 (9)

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