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Pen's Upper Cap Safety
- Feb 24, 2020 -

The safety of the upper cap of the pen mainly refers to the size of the pen cap, the ventilation area of the pen cap, and the air circulation of the pen cap. The standard requirements should meet at least one of them. In this spot check, it was found that 4 batches of products did not meet the standard requirements for the above three indicators, so the cap safety item of the pen was judged to be unqualified. The reasons are as follows: First, due to the new mandatory requirements for the safety of pen caps in GB21027-2007 "General Requirements for the Safety of Student Supplies", many manufacturers do not understand and have insufficient understanding of the safety requirements for caps on colored pens and markers. , Did not attract attention. The second is that most manufacturers do not have the means and conditions to detect the safety of pen caps, and the monitoring in actual production is not enough; third, the production process of pen caps is simple, and the design is caused by random operation or aging of molds during the production process. The vent hole is not pierced, which does not meet the requirements of the standard for ventilation of the cap.

In response to the problems found in this product supervision and random inspection, the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision has requested the quality and technical supervision departments of all districts and counties to strictly follow the relevant laws and regulations to deal with the enterprises whose product quality is unqualified in this random inspection, and rectify within a time limit. Supervise and inspect the handling of unqualified products of relevant companies to ensure the personal and property safety of consumers.

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